TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/7) – New X Division Champion, Hardcore War, Bully Puts Dixie Through A Table!

Dixie Carter comes to the ring with her regime, and she snatches a mic from Spud says ‘right back at you’ and runs her team down. Dixie calls them worthless and says they don’t deserve to be there, then she fires Rycklon and Snitsky and screams at the fans to leave. She says this is her building and continues to run everyone down, then Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer cut her off and bring a table down to the ring. Bully says he has made a promise to put her through a table, then Dreamer says he warned her but she didn’t listen, so she should listen again.

Dreamer says she is going through a table because she’s what’s wrong with wrestling, then Mo sucker punches him but Bully and Devon take him and Spud out. Dixie screams for help as she is left alone, then Devon and Bully measure for a Death Drop but Spud pulls her out of the ring. The TNA locker room empties out and they cut Dixie off, making sure she can’t leave and Dreamer throws her back in the ring. Devon picks her up and hands her to Bully on the top turnbuckle, and Bully powerbombs her through the table and the crowd just erupts. Bully sits there with a euphoric look on his face, and Dixie is out cold, and Bully finally raises his arms in victory as the crowd starts a TNA chant to close the show.

BP: Nuclear level heat for Dixie, and the place exploded when ‘it’ finally happened. After all of this buildup, and the internet slamming TNA for spoiling the spot, it was still great to see. This was a good payoff that was perfectly executed all throughout tonight’s show. Dixie sold the powerbomb like she’s been doing it a long time, so credit to her too. This was a show with a perfect blend of promos and matches, and I have minimal complaints.

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