8/20 TNA Impact Wrestling Does Record Low in Move to Wednesday Nights

impact wrestlingThe 8/20 edition of TNA Impact Wrestling brought in only 852,000 viewers in its shift to Wednesday nights. To put that in perspective, that’s a 24% drop from last week’s show at 1,126,000, which was already considered low. Impact has been bringing in between 1.3-1.4M viewers for each of the New York city taping shows for the past few months. 

While this is the lowest number in years – if not the history of their two-hour TV format – the extreme drop was expected. The move to Wednesday nights was not advertised on television, as the shows had already been completed by the time the announcement was made. The viewing audience had little-to-no warning, unless they happened to hear the news online, which just compounds the issues ALL companies have when trying to bring fans to a new night.

KILLAM: It looks bad, but I doubt if either TNA or Spike will be shocked by the numbers. They knew what they were risking with so little promotion. Trust me, if Impact remained on Thursday nights and WWE moved Smackdown head-to-head, with stiff competition from the NFL, they’d be looking at these kinds of numbers anyways. 


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