WWE RAW Results (9/1) – Stephanie’s Divas Announcement, Big Six Man Tag With Possible Title Implications?

Growing Up Bella: Nikki talks about how she passed her driver’s test, but Brie failed, and Brie stole the car their mother bought them. She says Brie wrecked it and lied to the officer, because she stole Nikki’s license and presented it as her own.

Paul Heyman comes out and talks about Brock Lesnar destroying John Cena at Summerslam, but he says Cena is a desperate man. He says Cena is desperate to stay on top, and that’s why you saw him run through the Wyatts last week, and he’ll do the same tonight. Heyman says you could stack up the whole locker room, but nothing compares to what his client is going to do to him.

Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Curtis Axel

Swagger slams Axel down as Bo Dallas comes out to the stage, and he motions for someone as a crew puts three chairs on the top of the ramp. Three people take their seats as Axel hits a dropkick, then Swagger regroups outside before he snaps Axel’s head on the top rope. Swagger clotheslines him and goes for a Swagger Bomb, but Axel gets his boot up so Swagger catches it and makes him tap out to the Patriot Lock.

Winner – Jack Swagger

Bo interrupts the celebration for Swagger, and he says he wants Swagger to meet some of the millions of Americans that he let down at Summerslam. He says Richie lost a lot of money on betting on Swagger beating Rusev, and Angelo is an immigrant tailor who is now being deported. Jennifer’s son used to like Swagger, but now he wants to be Vladimir Putin, and all they have to do to change things is BO-lieve!

BP: This part with the fans was really corny, but made the point. I like how they keep using Rusev as a catalyst for this feud; I wanted to see some payoff for Swagger with Rusev, but this should be good too and seems like a natural transition.