Rumored WWE Backstage Power Struggle, Los Matadores Working For WWC, WWE Stars Asked To Be In Indian Movie?

wwe legendRumored WWE Backstage Power Struggle

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that there is talk of a power struggle in WWE, with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon on one side, and George Barrios and Michelle Wilson on the other.

Barrios, WWE’s Chief Strategy & Financial Officer, and Wilson, WWE’s Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer, were the people in charge of the WWE Network launch and the new WWE TV contract.

Los Matadores

WWE Superstars Los Matadores will be working on the World Wrestling Council 41st Anniversary show in Puerto Rico, and will face WWC Tag Team Champions Ash & William De La Vega.

The Colons (who portray Diego & Fernando on WWE TV) have a clause in their contracts that allow them to work certain WWC events.

 WWE Stars In Indian Movie

F4WOnline is reporting a movie about Indian wrestler Gama Pelhalwan is being produced, and they are looking for WWE wrestlers to be involved. A story in India claims John Cena, Triple H, and former WWE / current TNA star Kurt Angle have been approached to be in the movie, but the story is still unconfirmed.