WWE Smackdown Results (11/7) – Ambrose On The Peep Show, Plus Two Cage Matches; Usos vs Dusts, and Kane vs Ziggler!

Michael Cole welcomes Sergeant Dan Rose, a disabled Army veteran, to talk about an EKSO Bionic suit and his story of learning to walk again. They play a clip of how the robotics program began and how Soldier Socks got involved, then Rose retells what happened while he was on duty in Afghanistan. He is helped into the suit and walks across the stage, then Cole talks to him about what this means to him. Cole thanks him for his time and for serving, then the crowd applauds as the segment ends. (You can see an abbreviated clip of this segment here) 

Steel Cage Match

Dolph Ziggler vs Kane 

Dolph hits Kane a few times and tries to climb the cage, but Kane grabs him and whips him facefirst into it as we go to a break. We get back to see Dolph hit Kane near the ropes and knock him down, then Kane crotches him on the ropes before Kane uppercuts him. Kane calls for a chokeslam but Dolph floats over and jumps at the cage, but Kane catches him and punches him before hitting a chokeslam. He calls for a Tombstone but Dolph counters with a Zig Zag for two, then he crawls towards the cage door but Kane catches up with him.

Dolph kicks Kane into the cage but Kane rebounds with a clothesline, then he takes the turnbuckle pad off but Dolph sends him into the exposed turnbuckle. Kane is blocking the door so Dolph climbs over him, and Kane tries to pull him back in but Dolph knocks him back. Kane kicks the door into Dolph’s stomach and leaves him hung up on the door, but Dolph kicks it back into Kane’s face and drops to the floor. 

Winner – Dolph Ziggler 

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