cm punk

CM Punk & Marvel Comics Announce Partnership for THOR ANNUAL #1

In an interview with’s Ryan Penagos, Punk believes the arrangement started when the two met at San Diego Comic-Con in 2011. Because of his hectic WWE travel schedule, he was never able to sit down and make it work before, although he doesn’t remember exactly who asked him about doing Thor. 

This will be the first time he attempts something like this, but THOR editor Jon Moisan has been sending him scripts of comics so that Punk understands the method before submitting his piece. He’s also expressed a lot of interest in working on a future Punisher story. 

You can check out the full in-depth interview between Ryan and CM Punk, and check back with Marvel later in the week as they’ll be announcing even more guest writers for THOR ANNUAL. 

KILLAM: This is actually really cool. Marvel just rebooted the Thor character as a woman, which is pretty unprecedented at this stage for a comic that’s been around for decades. The Annuals give them some room to play around, creatively, and Punk noted that he’ll be writing about a “young Thor” as a “brash, bratty teenager”, so it looks like he’ll be going back to bro-Thor. 


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