WWE Smackdown Results (11/28) – Daniel Bryan Runs Smackdown, Ryback vs Rollins, Dolph vs Harper!

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WWE Smackdown Results

November 28th 2014

Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Miz TV opens the show and Big Show is welcomed to the ring, and Show complains about people not knowing his situation when Daniel Bryan cuts him off. Bryan says he heard Show call out people with something to say, so he has something to tell him and he has a big night planned. He announces Ryback versus Seth Rollins and Luke Harper versus Dolph Ziggler, but Miz mocks him and says he’s trying to steal the spotlight. Bryan says he can’t because Mizdow already does that, and he goes announce something else but Show says he doesn’t care. He says this isn’t about Bryan tonight, but Bryan says this actually is about him, and Rusev is defending his championship in a battle royal since he didn’t say the pledge of allegiance on RAW. Bryan says it’s kicking off right now, and Miz, Mizdow, Big Show and… Erick Rowan are starting things off right now. 

Battle Royal for the United States Championship 

Everyone picks a corner and starts to attack, then Big Show eliminates Fernando and Diego before he punches Goldust in the stomach. Rowan and Show face off and trade punches, then Rowan splashes him in the corner twice before sending him outside with a clothesline. Rusev ends up catching Rowan offguard and throws him out, then everyone gangs up on Rusev and tries to flip him over the ropes. Rusev frees himself as we go to a break, then we get back to see Miz and Stardust fighting near the apron. Miz turns and tries to throw Goldust out but it gets reversed, and Stardust holds the ropes and Miz gets dumped on the floor. Mizdow sees this and throws himself outside, then Swagger clotheslines Goldust and Stardust outside before Titus eliminates Jimmy.

Titus tries to kick Jey but he ducks and sends Titus outside, then Jey kicks Kidd a few times but Kidd catches him and takes him out with a headscissors. We’re down to Swagger, Kidd, Cesaro and Rusev, so everyone attacks Swagger before they try to press slam him outside. Swagger grabs the ropes and throws some punches, then he slams Cesaro into the turnbuckles and powerslams Rusev. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb on Rusev before Cesaro tries to send him outside, but Swagger sends him to the apron with a gutwrench slam. Kidd dives at him but Swagger catches him and throws him outside, then Cesaro sidesteps Rusev and shoves him into Swagger on the apron. Cesaro dumps Rusev outside but Rusev holds on and only has one foot hit the floor, then he runs back in and sends Cesaro outside before knocking Swagger off the apron. 

Winner – Rusev