WWE Superstar Denies Talent Meeting Happening Backstage At RAW, ‘WWE Insider’ Reddit User Responds To His Claim And Calls Bluff


Reddit user (and verified WWE insider) MetsFan4Ever recently reported a talent meeting took place prior to RAW regarding the Royal Rumble pay-per-view and the possible winner.

The report stated Triple H told the locker room that no final decision has been made as far as who the winner will be, but he encouraged everyone to step up and a choice would be made after evaluations over the next few weeks. 

WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes, aka Stardust, reportedly responded to this report through a second Twitter account, one he uses to post out-of-character separate from his WWE-verified Stardust account: 

In response to this, MetsFan4Ever then came back and called Cody’s bluff, adding the following: 

“Come on Cody. You’re better than that. You know damn well that talent meetings are not impossible to hold. In my time I witnessed many of them. Both in the arena and in the locker room.

In fact there was one time where you all had to watch the WWE Film “The Day.” That wasn’t impossible to get you all together to watch before Raw, was it?”


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