Vince Russo’s Theory As to Why Randy Savage is Being Inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, Is McMahon Getting the Last Laugh?

Vince Russo recently appeared on WrestleTalkTV to discuss Randy Savage being inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame, and you can watch the interview below.

Russo mentioned the rumors which had circulated for years as to why Savage and Vince weren’t speaking to each other and why he hadn’t been inducted into the Hall of Fame already, but he said he didn’t want to address the rumors as he didn’t want to speculate.

Russo brought up meeting Savage to interview him for the WWE Magazine, and when he met with Savage, Savage made it clear to him that he was not on good terms with Hulk Hogan. Russo said that while Savage and Hogan may have patched up their relationship, their relationship wasn’t going to be back to where it once was. Russo said that “at best” both men were being civil.

Russo wondered if Hogan inducting Savage was a case of WWE knowing that they had to put Savage in the WWE Hall of Fame at some point, and with Hogan inducting Savage, Vince McMahon gets the last laugh. Russo said that while he doesn’t know for this to be the case for sure, knowing McMahon, he “would not doubt that for a second.”