steve austin
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Steve Austin Triple H Interview – Detailed Transcript: Reigns vs. Bryan, Kayfabe is Dead, Chyna in the HOF?, CM Punk’s Communication Issues, More


Q: Is it better for somebody to go through wrestling school and the WWE Performance Center, than to work on the indies before coming to WWE? 

A: Everyone is different, but sometimes it’s easier when talents come to NXT and don’t have “bad habits” picked up from the indie scene. Triple H compares it to football, and WWE having a playbook they need their wrestlers to use that might be different than other promotions and wrestling styles around the world. 

Q: What is the process of putting together NXT?

A: Triple H books what he wants to see. He says the WWE Network is watched by the hardcore fans, so they let it be a little more organic. It’s less scripted for some talents, because there’s more room to make mistakes. He says the main WWE shows have no forgiveness in front of millions of fans every night. Austin asks if there’s a creative process, and Hunter says they’re teaching every part of the process, and they are always open to suggestions and feedback from the talents. 

Q: Is there anyone who can be the next John Cena or Hulk Hogan?

A: You can’t just be a promo guy, a high-flyer, a giant or a technical wrestler anymore, and they’re looking for the total package of all the different skills. Hunter says it’s about the wrestler taking a concept and become the gimmick, and talks about Mark taking the Undertaker gimmick and making it “the most awesome character there has ever been”. 

Q: Will Chyna be in the Hall of Fame? 

A: Triple H praises Chyna as one of the best ever, but says she is a difficult case because the Hall of Fame is for the fans. He asks what happens when an 8-year-old hears the name Chyna and wants to look her up; what do they find on the internet, aside from her wrestling career? Hunter says she made choices (talking about her porn roles), and there’s no judgement, but it makes things difficult for the WWE.