WWE Smackdown Results (2/5) – BnB Debuts ‘BNZ’, Rusev vs Rowan, Bryan vs Rollins/J&J!

Erick Rowan vs Rusev (w/ Lana)

Rowan runs right at Rusev and hits him several times, then he hits a shoulder tackle off the ropes and Rusev bails to the floor. Rowan chases him around the ring, and Rusev catches him with a kick to the head. Rusev hits a spinning heel kick off the ropes, then he applies a headlock but Rowan breaks it and hits some clotheslines. Rowan hits some mounted punches in the corner, but Rusev kicks him in the back of the knees, then he superkicks him and makes him tap to the Accolade.

Winner – Rusev 

Paige joins Renee Young backstage to talk about her problems with The Bella Twins, and she says she doesn’t get embarassed easily… but she was on Monday night. She says she’s not tan and cookie cutter cute like a fake Bella, but she also doesn’t conform, and the only one who will end up embarrassed is Nikki, after she [Paige] takes Nikki’s title. 

Paige vs Alicia Fox 

Paige takes Alicia down with a Thesz press, then she kicks her in the face and hits the ropes. Alicia counters with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two, then she picks Paige up in a side slam position, but throws her out on the floor. The ref starts a count but Paige rolls back in, then Alicia hits a Northern Lights suplex for two and applies a headlock. Paige kicks her in the face and hits a few clotheslines, then Paige connects with a dropkick and a roundhouse kick, then makes her tap to the PTO. 

Winner – Paige

BP: The spot with Alicia throwing Paige through the ropes looked pretty cool, and painful. Good match here with both women getting some offense in, and builds Paige up for Fast Lane.


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