impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (2/13) – Aries vs Roode, Snow Confronts Grado, Angle/Lashley vs BDC!

Al Snow comes to the ring and says Grado is just like them, and they all think that they can do what he can do in the ring. Grado comes to the ring and Snow says he has no passion or heart, and Grado didn’t show him or wrestling any respect, so he’s giving Grado one more chance to quit. Grado grabs the mic and tells Snow to shut up, and Snow is in his home, then Snow sees Grado’s family and harasses them. Snow yells at the mother and she hits him, then Snow flips out and Grado hits him from behind. Snow runs off and says he is going to kick Grado’s ass, and he will regret this next week. 

BP: I have no idea what happened on British Boot Camp 2, but the segment was still pretty good. Other than not knowing the set up, it was effective in setting up a future match. 

Bram vs Crazzy Steve 

Bram hits Steve a few times and gets a mic to taunt Magnus, then he stomps Steve and calls for Magnus to come out to the ring. Steve comes back with a few defensive strikes, but Magnus hits a spike DDT for the win.

Winner – Bram  

Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs Rockstar Spud, Jeremy Borash & Mark Andrews 

JB runs at Ethan and repeatedly knees him, then Ethan shoves him into the corner and throws several punches. He goes for a splash but JB sidesteps, and Mark hits Ethan before Tyrus tags in and hits him in the back. Tyrus throws a few punches before Ethan puts Mark in a Camel Clutch, then Mark elbows out and Ethan goes for a suplex. Mark floats over and jabs him, then he ducks under Ethan and connects with an enziguiri before making the tag. Spud unloads on Ethan in the corner with kicks and stomps, then Tyrus pulls him back and squeezes Spud’s head. Tyrus goes for a splash but Spud ducks and Tyrus hits Ethan, then Spud hits a springboard cutter before JB splashes Tyrus on the floor. Ethan hits Spud from behind and elbows him in the head, and ends it with the One Percenter for the win. 

Winners – Ethan Carter III & Tyrus 

Ethan tries to shave Spud’s head but the lights go out, and when they come back on Ken Anderson is in the ring with them. He mocks them and acts like he’s on their side and goes to psyche them up, then laughs it off and hits both of them. Anderson low blows both of them and chops Ethan, then he whips him but Ethan rolls outside and takes off. 

BP: Pretty good match with the highlight being Spud’s cutter and JB’s splash. I like introducing someone as backup, and Anderson has been absent so I like seeing him fit in this role.