The Latest Details on Eddie Edwards’ Injury, Big Wrestle-1 TNA Announcement Coming?, Cesaro Appears on After Total Divas

The Latest Details on Eddie Edwards’ Injury

According to, it appears as if Eddie Edwards’ injury, which he suffered during yesterday’s One Night Only PPV tapings, is a broken foot. This has not been confirmed as the actual diagnosis, however, and we will keep you up to date once more information is available.

As noted, the injury came when Edwards landed on his feet after doing a flip off the top ropes. He was taken to the hospital following the injury.

Big Wrestle-1 TNA Announcement Coming?

Jimmy Suzuki, who has been acting as the point person between TNA and Wrestle-1, teased on Twitter that a big announcement is coming today.

Cesaro Appears on After Total Divas

The following is last night’s edition of After Total Divas, featuring Cesaro: