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2/18 WWE NXT Results: Kevin Owens vs. Adrian Neville, Solomon Crowe Debuts, ECW Original Makes Shocking Return & More


Owens takes him to the mat immediately and tries to ground Neville. He works a headlock for several minutes, then tosses him over the ropes so they can take an ad break. 

Owens is working a rest hold again after the break. Neville slowly fights back into the match and they trade forearm shots int he middle of the ring. He starts throwing kicks and chips away at the champion, then takes him out of the ring with a dropkick. Owens tries to take a breather, but Neville comes off the top rope with a great moonsault to take them both down. They fight back into the ring and trade punches again.

Adrian takes total control with a big German suplex off the ropes. He kicks him in the head and hits a dead-lift German suplex for two. Neville with a running elbow, but he runs into a shoulder tackle. He hits a superkick out of nowhere followed by a Frankensteiner for a nearfall. Neville sets up for the Red Arrow, but Owens rolls out of the way and plants him with the pop-up powerbomb.