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3/18 WWE NXT Results: Kevin Owens vs. Alex Riley, Sasha Banks In Action; Tons More From the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH

-Sasha and Alexa are backstage arguing with William Regal, who books a championship rematch between the two next week. 

-Kevin Owens cuts a promo about Alex Riley being a moron for giving up his posh job on commentary just to have his in-ring career killed tonight. He talks about beating Finn Balor and continuing his reign as the most dominating champion in NXT and the WWE. 

Kevin Owens vs. Alex Riley

The crowd chants “Kill Owens Kill” and “Owens Gonna Kill You” and are about 80/20 in favor of the heel champion. There’s actually a small “Mr. Wrestling” chant from the Steen fans that remember. 

Owens carries the start of the match with a traditional heel brawl, that caps off with a cannonball splash in the corner. The beatdown continues for several minutes until Riley fires up with right hands. Owens tries for another cannonball, but Riley moves and hits him with a spinebuster. They have a good back-and-forth that ends with Owens hitting the pop-up powerbomb. 

Winner: Kevin Owens 

-KO celebrates his victory, but goes after Riley. He sets up for a powerbomb on the apron, but Finn Balor comes out and stares him down. Balor flies off the set (not the traditional NXT set, but a 5-7 foot platform near one of the entrances) with a forearm shot. They fight back into the ring with Finn getting a dropkick. He sets up for the double foot stomp, but Owens bails from the ring and up the ramp. We get a staredown between the two to end the show. 


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