Top WrestleMania Match Video Previews, This Week’s WWE SD! Viewership Rises, Taz Getting a Live Radio Show?

Taz Getting a Live Radio Show?

Taz tweeted out an audio clip that sounds like the opening for a new, different project beyond his current Human Podcast Machine series, noting it was for “Taz Live”, broadcasting from the Time-Life Building in New York City.

This Week’s WWE SD! Viewership Rises

This week’s edition of WWE Smackdown, featuring a big Gauntlet Match, took in 2.595 million viewers. This number is up from last week’s 2.573 million viewership average.

Top WrestleMania Match Video Previews

The following videos have been released, and are top WrestleMania 31 match previews featuring Bray Wyatt vs Undertaker, The Intercontinental Title Ladder match and John Cena vs Rusev:


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