Complete TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results for Tonight (Partial 4/3 Results Included) *Spoilers*

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TNA taped content for both the 3/27 and 4/3 Impact shows, so below are spoilers for both broadcasts:

-James Storm did a promo inside the six sides of steel, saying last time they were in a cage, he took out Jeff Hardy and tonight he will take him out for good. They did the old Road Warriors deal where Storm tossed a watermelon off the top to show what would happen to Hardy’s head. Hardy came out and promises he’s going to get Storm for what he did. Manik attacked Jeff but is taken out. Abyss attacked him but Hardy was able to gain control of a steel chair and run him off. Storm says it will all end tonight.

-TNA champion Kurt Angle came out and cut a promo thanking everyone for all their support over the years. He said to be champion again after all he’s been through is the best moment of his life. EC3 and Tyrus come out. He says that he’s beaten every Hall of Famer and will beat Angle for the title. Bobby Roode came out and said if they are going to talk about the title and who’s fighting for it, it should be him they are talking about. Eric Young then came out and said he’s better than Roode and will make sure Roode is never ever champion again. Austin Aries then came out and reminded everyone he has the Feast or Fired briefcase, so he is the master of the fate of the TNA title. He brings Angle champagne but says they aren’t celebrating Kurt’s title win but the one Aries will soon have. Angle says he will face anyone or everyone and leaves. Lashley comes out and stares Angle, then at the entire scene. He is not happy. Tyrus, EC3, and EY attack Aries and Roode. Lashley walks away. Mr. Anderson makes the save…

-Eric Young & EC3 & Tyrus defeated Austin Aries & Bobby Roode & Mr. Anderson.


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