The Rock Honors His Grandfather on Instagram, Signs Reportedly Taken Away at WWE Raw Tonight

Fan Signs Taken At WWE Raw

Fans sent in word that Anti-Roman Reigns signs were taken during WWE Raw.

Also, there were signs that poked fun at the WWE Network being free this month to new subscribers. Those were taken away.

The Rock Honors Grandfather

The Rock honored the birthday of his late grandfather with a post about him on Instagram. Below is what he posted and had to say about his grandfather.



Happy Birthday Grandpa. My grandfather, the late great High Chief Peter Maivia was somewhat of a walking contradiction. A proud High Chief of Samoa, WWE Hall of Famer, movie star rugged good looks (he once played a Bond villain opposite Sean Connery in YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE). The kind of man when he said “I love you”, he meant it. When he hugged you tight, you felt it. The sweetest singing voice and the most kind, caring, gentle soul you’ll ever know. And on one fateful night in Japan, a notoriously tough wrestler was being very rude to my grandpa and continued to disrespect him and his Samoan culture. My grandpa stood up, they fought… and my grandfather bit the man’s eye out. End of fight. Grandpa passed away in Hawaii when I was 10yrs old. Still to this day, he’s the most beloved and respected man I’ve ever known. People always tell me, “Your grandfather would be so proud of you”. I hope so. Fa’amanatua lou aso fanau, ma lo’u alofa mo ‘oe forever. Love you and grandma. #HappyBirthdayGrandpa

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on
