impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/10) – Gail vs Kong, The Rising Calls Out The BDC, Angle vs Lashley vs EY!

Drew Galloway and The Rising enter the ring and Drew says he was born to be a wrestler and he will always find a way to fight. Drew says he can’t fight the BDC himself, so that’s why he started the #StandUp campaign. He says the fans are part of The Rising as much as they are, then Mika and Eli say they have wrestling in their blood. Eli says they are here for change and a chance, then Drew says the BDC isn’t running the show, and they’re here for a war.

MVP comes out with the BDC and mocks The Rising, and he wants to talk about their eventual fall. MVP says this is a short story that ends tonight, then Drew leads The Rising onto the ramp and they start brawling. 

The Rising vs The Beat Down Clan

MVP taunts Mika and hits him a few times, then Mika sidesteps a Blackout kick and hits a neckbreaker. He heads up top but King shoves him to the floor, then MVP attacks in the corner before Mika finally makes a tag. Drew stomps Ki in the corner and goes on offense, then a masked man runs in and beats Drew with a nightstick. He reveals himself as Homicide, then he continues to attack the rest of the Rising as the BDC joins in, then Homicide and MVP embrace and taunt the fans. 

Result – No Contest


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