impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/10) – Gail vs Kong, The Rising Calls Out The BDC, Angle vs Lashley vs EY!

Kurt Angle is cutting a promo backstage when Eric Young runs in and attacks him, and he tells Kurt the title is his. Following a break, a trainer checks on Kurt and asks about his neck, but Kurt insists he’s fighting tonight.

DJ Z vs Davey Richards 

Zema kicks Davey in the corner several times and chokes him with his boot, then Davey comes back with a headbutt and some kicks. Davey sends Zema outside and hits a suicide dive, then he connects with a missile dropkick and an enziguiri. Zema goes for a springboard but Davey launches him in the air, then he hits a pop up kick and Creeping Death for the win. 

Winner – Davey Richards

The Hardys come out and Jeff says he got his revenge, so now they need to do something new, and that’s win the TNA Tag Team Titles. Matt says it’s been a long time since they were both in the ring together, but they are fulfilling a destiny and winning the titles they’ve never held before. Ethan Carter III and Tyrus cut them off, and Ethan says they can’t talk about great without mentioning him. He says he’s undefeated, but somehow a World title shot still hasn’t happened, so he’s taking action.

Ethan says he will win the tag titles and prove he earned gold, so he found a partner that just wants to hurt people, Bram. Ethan hands him the mic and Bram says he hates teams, but he hates Ethan the least, and he’s going to beat up everyone in the locker room if he has to. Ken Anderson cuts them off and mocks Ethan a bit, then he introduces his partner, Rockstar Spud. They psych each other up and cut some jokes, then Austin Aries comes out and says he hears people talking about greatness, but no one is greater than him. He says he likes gold so he wants to be a tag team champion too, and his partner is Bobby Roode.