impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/10) – Gail vs Kong, The Rising Calls Out The BDC, Angle vs Lashley vs EY!


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
April 10th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Kurt Angle comes out and says he knows there’s some controversy about last week’s win, and he’s here to deal with it right now. Bobby Lashley comes out and says Kurt didn’t win and the tape proves it, and Lashley says the Kurt he knows won’t take this win this way. Kurt says he won’t back down from defending his title, and he beat Lashley once so he knows he can do it again. Lashley tells him they should do this right one more time, so Kurt says he’s on for tonight, but Eric Young cuts them off and says nobody respects the rules.

Eric says he is number one contender, and he proved he is a world class wrestler, and Lashley is back to the bottom of the list. He says Kurt is holding his title, then Lashley tells him to shut up and earn a spot, so Eric jabs him in the eyes. Lashley shoves him back and tries to spear him, but Eric ducks and Lashley catches Kurt with a spear instead. After the break, Kurt is still in the ring and he says he’s going to fight someone tonight, and he’ll fight both Lashley and Young if he has to. 

#1 Contender’s Match
Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong 

Gail hits Kong a few times but Kong slams her down and puts her in a chinlock, then Gail breaks it with a jawbreaker and hits the ropes. Kong clotheslines her and hits a side slam for two, then she rips off one of the turnbuckles. Gail tries to apply a sleeperhold but Kong whips her over the ropes, then she goes to attack but Gail sends her into the barricade with a dropkick. Gail goes for Eat Defeat but Kong blocks it, then Gail sends Kong into the exposed turnbuckle and hits Eat Defeat for two. Kong sits up so Gail puts her in a seated headscissors, but Kong deadlifts her and hits a sitout powerbomb for the win. 

Winner – Awesome Kong 


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