impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/17) – Kurt Angle Targeted By The BDC, Eric Young, Ultimate X Returns, Who Wins Tag Team Gold?

Kenny King & Low Ki vs Rockstar Spud & Ken Anderson 

King and Ki jump Spud during Anderson’s intro, then Anderson runs down and tries to even things up. The ref backs him into the corner as King chokes Spud, then they continue to attack him until Spud comes up with a rollup attempt. The ref doesn’t see it as he is distracted by the BDC, then Spud hits an enziguiri and Ki attacks him. Anderson runs in, ignoring the ref and helps clear the ring, then he goes back to the apron and gets the tag. Anderson knocks Ki and King down a few times and hits a senton, then he throws Spud into Ki for a hurricanrana. King throws a chair in the ring and the ref catches Anderson with it, and he kicks him out as Spud hits an Under-Dog. Spud has King beat, but Ki comes in and hits Warrior’s Way, and the BDC steals the win. 

Winners – Kenny King & Low Ki

Tigre Uno & Jay Rios vs Ethan Carter III & Bram

Rios and Uno try to go on offense early but Ethan whips Rios outside, then Tyrus catches him and slams him on the floor. Bram whips Uno into the corner and stomps him, then Rios comes back with some kicks and a springboard cutter. Bram comes back with some strikes and hits the The Brighter Side of Suffering, and Ethan tags in and makes the cover. 

Winners – Ethan Carter III & Bram 

Christy Hemme brings the Knockouts roster to the ring and announces next week will be a ‘Night of Knockouts.’ Angelina Love takes the mic and says this should be a night for her, but Gail Kim tells her to shut up. They all pretty much bicker with each other about who is the best, and Christy says they will all get a chance to shine. She says Angelina, Brooke, Gail and Madison will face off in a number one contender’s match, and there’s more than that. She announces they will get two new Knockouts, and Taryn Terrell will defend her title against Awesome Kong. Taryn talks about how she has proven she belongs here and she loves this division, then Kong comes out and everyone tries to prevent a fight. They end up all fighting each other, and it spills to the floor before Taryn splashes everyone from the top turnbuckles.


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