How Close Was Shawn Michaels to Joining WCW?, More on The Miz Being Written Off WWE TV, Hogan Tweets His Phone Number

Hogan Tweets His Phone Number

the mizIt appears as if Hulk Hogan has accidentally publicly Tweeted his phone number as he was chatting with his “Thunder in Paradise” co-star Chris Lemmon and Hogan posted his phone number as opposed to direct messaging Lemmon.

More on The Miz Being Written Off WWE TV

As we previously reported, The Miz will likely be written of WWE TV for awhile following his match against Damien Mizdow on Raw tomorrow night. Miz and WWE Diva Paige, who has already been written off TV, will be shooting the WWE Studios movie “Santa’s Little Helper,” and The Miz will take part in a media day on Tuesday to promote “The Marine 4.”

Miz’s co-star in the film and WWE Diva, Summer Rae, will also be at the media event.

How Close Was HBK to Joining WCW?

As noted, Shawn Michaels was the recent guest on Jim Ross’ “The Ross Report” podcast, and when JR asked HBK how close he came to joining WCW during the Monday Night Wars, HBK had the following to say:

“I thought about it, but there’s two things. I went to Vince and said ‘Let me go. I’m miserable here, I wanna go down and be with my buddies.’ He just said no. I’m under contract under WWE, so I couldn’t. But there was a time I wanna go.

He said ‘You’re a creative guy. Once you get past being angry and it comes to working, you want to do things your way. They won’t let you do that down there, and that’s going to kill you. They’ll [kill] the one thing about this business you enjoy.’ I think he had some validity there.”


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