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WWE NXT Results (4/22): Kevin Owens & Alex Riley Rematch, Divas Triple Threat #1 Contender’s Match, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami


WWE NXT Results
April 22, 2015
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Finn wins the first lock-up and drops him with a running dropkick, but runs into a hard elbow. Dillinger goes to work briefly with a beatdown in the corner, but Finn comes back with a Pele kick and the Slingblade. He connects with a corner dropkick and the double foot stomp off the top rope for an easy win.

Winner: Finn Balor

-Tyler Breeze cuts a backstage promo and calls Balor the "flavor of the month", whereas he's been dominating the NXT landscape since the start. 

-Dana Brooke cuts a heel promo, saying her debut was the "re-birth of the NXT women's division". She calls NXT her playground, and says "play time is over". That doesn't make any sense. So she wants to be the owner of an empty playground? 

-Kevin Owens is backstage. He gives Alex Riley credit for giving him a good fight a few weeks ago, but he won the match and tonight really isn't going to be any different. He tells Riley to get a clue. 


The two babyfaces go to work on Lynch and clear her from the ring, then lock up with each other. Charlotte controls Bayley and puts her in the Figure Four headlock, doing these amazing roll-through slams. Lynch back into it with a suplex as they go to commercial. 

Charlotte is down on the outside as Bayley and Lynch go to work with a great technical exchange. Bayley is about to tap, but Charlotte comes back and hits Natural Selection to break it up. Everyone is down. Slow exchange as they build towards a top rope spot, but Flair gets Becky up in a powerbomb position and Bayley hits a big diving clothesline spot. She puts Bayley in the Figure Eight hold, but Lynch pins Bayley while she doesn't have the positioning to kick out. 

Winner: Becky Lynch


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