WWE Smackdown Results (4/30) – Ryback vs Harper, New Day Defend Titles, Rollins vs Ambrose!

 Nikki Bella vs Cameron

Cameron hits Nikki a few times and hits a running facebuster, then she taunts Nikki and applies a headlock. Nikki fights back and kicks her in the face, and hits Rack Attack for the win. 

Winner – Nikki Bella 

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose 

Rollins hits Ambrose and dropkicks him through the ropes, then Mercury and Noble attack Ambrose on the floor. Kane makes his way out as we go to a break, then we get back to see Ambrose head up top. Rollins counters with a powerbomb attempt, but Ambrose hits him a few times and dropkicks him out to the floor. Ambrose splashes him and hits a reverse facebuster for two, then we see a few near falls before Ambrose launches Rollins outside.

Rollins falls on Kane, then Ambrose dives from the top turnbuckle and takes them all out. Rollins slams Ambrose into the barricade, then he checks on Kane, who is not happy at all. Kane chokes both Rollins and Ambrose but lets go, then considers going after the ref but Ambrose whips him into the ringpost. Ambrose slams Mercury and Noble into commentary table, but Rollins whips Ambrose into it, then hits a snap front facelock driver for the win. 

Winner – Seth Rollins

Kane gets in the ring but ends up targeting Ambrose, but Roman Reigns runs out for the save and clears the ring. Reigns prevents Kane from chokeslamming Ambrose, and drops him with a spear. 

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