impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/1) Hardcore Justice Returns, New X Division Champion, Stretcher Match!

Stretcher Match
Eric Young vs Kurt Angle (c)

Eric and Kurt fight at ringside before Kurt clotheslines Eric in the ring, then he goes for another but Eric sends him into the ringpost. We get back from a break to see Kurt hit a belly-to-belly suplex, then Eric rolls outside and slams Kurt into the steps. Eric gets the stretcher and rolls it to ringside, then he sets up a piledriver but Kurt hits an Angle Slam on the floor. Kurt pulls Eric onto the stretcher, but Eric gets free and tries to slam Kurt in the ring. Kurt goes for a quick suplex but Eric sends Kurt into an exposed turnbuckle, then hits two piledrivers and straps Kurt onto the stretcher to win. 

Winner – Eric Young 

BP: I’m not sure why, but I thought this was a title match; it seems like this show could have used it. Either way, Eric pinned the champion decisively, and makes a good case for an actual title match. The show itself was OK; it didn’t seem very ‘hardcore’ considering the theme. Not that I needed a lot of blood or carnage, but I would’ve liked to have seen Bram involved or something to add a little more. Best match was either the opener or the stretcher match main event. 

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