WWE Smackdown Results (5/21) – Four Corners Tag, Ziggler vs Barrett, Wyatt vs Ambrose!

Dolph Ziggler is with Renee Young backstage, and he says he like what happened on Monday, eventhough he was dealing with a jealous boyfriend. Lana walks over and Dolph says he knows what game she is playing, but he is OK with it. Dolph tells Lana she is a pretty good kisser, then she smiles as he heads to the ring. 

Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett

Wade hits Dolph a few times before Dolph hits a neckbreaker, then Wade throws an elbow and comes back with a tornado suplex. We get back from a break to see Wade throw a few strikes before calling for a Bullhammer, but Dolph counters with a superkick. Dolph goes for a DDT but Wade blocks it, only to have Dolph turn and hit a Zig Zag for the win. 

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Paige comes out and says the last time she was here she was attacked by Naomi, and she says now Naomi has a ‘boyfriend.’ She mocks Tamina until Naomi and Tamina cut her off, and Naomi says Paige needs to learn her place. Naomi says she deserves to be a champion because of talent, not screaming like Paige, because that’s all she has. Paige there’s more to being a Diva than being athletic, and this is her house, so Naomi says they are going to clean house, and she and Tamina rush the ring. They stomp Paige in the corner until Nikki Bella makes the save, then she ends up hitting Paige with Rack Attack too.