WWE Smackdown Results (5/21) – Four Corners Tag, Ziggler vs Barrett, Wyatt vs Ambrose!

 R-Truth vs Stardust

Stardust hits Truth a few times and connects with a Disaster Kick for two, then he goes for Dark Matter and gets two. Stardust gets angry and throws his gloves off, and punches Truth, then Truth throws Stardust’s glove up and hits What’s Up for the win. 

Winner – R-Truth 

AxelMania & Macho Mandow vs Heath Slater & Adam Rose

Rose hits Sandow a few times and knees him, then Axel tags in and does the Hulk routine. He hits Slater with a big boot, then Slater gets whipped outside by Sandow, and Axel hits a legdrop for the win. 

Winners – AxelMania & Macho Mandow

Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose 

Bray hits Ambrose a few times and throws him outside, then he tackles him into the barricade as we go to a break. We get back to see Ambrose fight back with a tornado DDT, then he connects with a clothesline and some jabs. Ambrose ties Bray in the ropes and jabs him a few times, then he dropkicks him before Bray rolls to the floor. Ambrose follows but Bray attempts Sister Abigail, only to have Ambrose counter and drop him with a clothesline.

Bray goes for Sister Abigail again as J&J Security runs out, but Ambrose blocks it and clotheslines Bray. Seth Rollins makes his way out and heads to the ring, but Roman Reigns cuts him off and comes in through the crowd. Reigns jumps the barricade and hits some Superman punches, and Rollins runs as Bray whips Ambrose. Reigns ends up hitting Bray through the ropes as the ref is dealing with J&J, and Ambrose follows with Dirty Deeds for the win.

Winner – Dean Ambrose 

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