WWE Smackdown Results (6/4) – New #1 Contenders, Owens’ NXT Open Challenge, Reigns vs Sheamus

Stardust vs Ryback

Stardust hits Ryback a few times and hits an inverted DDT for two, then he applies a headlock but Ryback counters with a spinebuster. Ryback hits a Meathook clothesline, then ends it with Shell Shocked for the win. 

Winner – Ryback 

Paige comes out to the stage and tells Renee Young she feels like nothing will ever change. She says she is sick of The Bellas pulling ‘Twin Magic’, and instead of giving Divas a chance, the Bellas hold everyone back. Paige says she lives for what happens in the ring, not magazine covers, and she is going to show people they have the power to change it.  

Kevin Owens comes out and says he doesn’t need Michael Cole to introduce him this week, because they all know his name now. He says he beat John Cena in his first WWE match, and he is going to do the same thing in the rematch at Money In The Bank. Owens says Cena doesn’t know him and seems to think he’s some kid, and that he will hang on Cena’s every word. Owens says he heard Cena run on and on, but Cena is delusional, and he can’t listen to this garbage anymore. He says someone needs to put an end to Cena’s corruption and brainwashing, and he will do that at Money In The Bank. Owens says if there’s anyone who thinks they can beat him, his NXT Open Challenge starts now, and they can try and beat the guy who beat Cena.

NXT Open Challenge

Kevin Owens vs Zack Ryder 

 Zack tries to mount some offense but Owens knocks him down, then he kicks him and hits a pop-up powerbomb for the win. Owens attacks Zack in the corner and hits a cannonball, then hits another pop-up powerbomb and mocks Cena’s “U Can’t See Me’ taunt. 

Winner – Kevin Owens