Frankie Kazarian Talks TNA Past, Ring Of Honor & Future Plans For The Addiction, What Were His Initial Thoughts On TNA?

ring of honorCurrent Ring of Honor tag team champion Frankie Kazarian recently talked to Mark Madison on the News Hub, and spoke about working for TNA, ROH, breaking into the business, and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

Frankie Kazarian talks TNA, his initial thoughts on the company:

I didn’t know. I just saw it as another opportunity. I came down there for a tryout in the Summer of 2003 and had my tryout match and they brought me back next week and they brought me back the week after that. So I said I guess I’m hired and I didn’t know what to expect everyone back then was saying it could have lasted and everyone back then was basically proclaiming TNA’s death from day 1 and they’re still doing it today so they’re still around. 
I knew it was a great group of guys a very very talented group of guys and I knew the x division was something that was new and different and something I was happy to be a part of and with the roster we had I thought there was a potential for a lot of really really good growth.

Kaz talks working together with Christopher Daniels:

Our relationship is strictly professional, I hate his guts on a personal level. Nah, he’s my best friend and I’ve known him 17 years since I started in this business. We’ve been travelling together for the last 13 (years). So literally every weekend. Him, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and myself. It’s just a natural chemistry. I would liken it something like Nick and Matt Jackson, who are brothers. We just know what the other guy is thinking with just a look. 
On the road it’s easy, we know each other’s schedules so well. It just makes everything easy. We both take a lot of pride in being tag team wrestlers. We both love being tag team wrestlers. We’ve found our niche as The Act or Bad Influence or The Addiction. Just the act, I think has gotten so over that fans love seeing us wherever we are, as The Act. Of course they loved Christopher Daniels “The Fallen Angel” but I think as the act has given new life to both of our careers. Having him as a partner makes my life a lot easier, in the ring. On the road, that’s another story all together.
Kaz also talks about training under Killer Kowalski, learning from Raven in Serotonin, his brief WWE run, and much more. Click here for the full interview.