Network TV Cameras Filming At CSR During Summer, Vince Russo Addresses Jessica Havok Controversy

Network TV Cameras

Chair Shot Reality recently announced Jason Carrion is officially joining the CSR brand for the summer beginning this week. Carrion is currently enjoying his fame from starring in Married At First Sight season 1 reality show. He’s also a NYC firefighter and an independent professional wrestler. Carrion will appear in studio in Pittsburgh, on video from NYC for the weekly video talk show and will write blogs for This is all part of the #SummerOfReality tour which plans to culminate in Brooklyn on SummerSlam weekend.

While doing all of this, A&E Network television cameras will be filming Carrion and his time with CSR as part of a new reality show aimed for the fall.

Chair Shot Reality is a weekly video talk show on professional wrestling filmed in a studio in downtown Pittsburgh. It airs each weekend on and full archives of videos and exclusive extras can be found on the show’s official website

We encourage you to check out Carrion’s Money in the Bank predictions this weekend on CSR and his blog next week on

Russo On Havok

Vince Russo wrote a new blog exclusive to where he addresses the Jessica Havok controversy. Here’s a sample:

Just coming off the TNA/Destination America story, where I felt that a report was printed that affected many people that worked for TNA, and perhaps put their lives, and those of their families in turmoil, I felt that this story concerning Jessica was one of a whole different level, based on their being one name, and one face to it. So, immediately I had to ask myself the question . . . why? Why print such a story that you know is going to absolutely cripple another human being? Why? Is it newsworthy? Well, I guess that is totally subjective depending who you are, and how you look at it.  To me—it’s not. The story wasn’t in Jessica not making the WWE roster, the story was in THE WHY of why she didn’t make it. But to me, here comes the part that just put the story over the edge—the reporter of the story actually felt it was both necessary and important to dig up, and print the actual tweets themselves. Again . . . why?

So here’s your chance to put your “this is why I hate Vince Russo” spin on this story. Immediately, the next headline will be that I am supporting what Jessica said, and the said tweets that she released years ago. If you want to take that from this column—go ahead—but, just let me make one thing clear . . . it would be absolutely ludicrous. No, I’m not here to defend Jessica’s tweets, nor her words, I’m here to defend another human being who made a mistake just like we all do, every, single day of our lives. I’m here to represent somebody who made an error in judgment—just like we all do every, single day of our lives. I’m here to defend somebody who is in no way, shape, or form, perfect—but rather flawed—just like everyone of us.

Click here to read the full blog as Russo takes aim at the situation.


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