Notes On TNA/ROH Wednesday Debuts On Destination America, How ROH Will Be Pushed, Is There Any Change To The TNA Cancellation Rumors?

ring of honorSource: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The Wednesday night wrestling block on Destination America debuted with slightly lower numbers, which TNA has had happen with a time or night switch. The difference is this time it was a 35 percent drop in combined ratings, which could be called a disaster, eventhough it was moved to a better weeknight.

If there is some good news to come from all of this, it’s that Ring Of Honor’s numbers were higher than the programming previously in the timeslot. The disappointment in ROH is that the average viewing age was 50 years old, which is completely different than their usual fan base at live events. ROH is being called a niche product and it’s very little cost to Destination America, so they aren’t promoting the show much and said social media will be one of the main source of company promotion.

It’s being said that eventhough Destination wants wrestling on their network, they have an obligation to TNA’s first run programming, so there’s no investment and need for promotion of ROH. As far as TNA goes, the word is Destination America still hasn’t changed their minds about the original third quarter cancellation decision. TNA talent is still led to believe they will be on the network, but there’s been no direct confirmation from anyone, including Destination America remaining quiet on the subject. On a more positive front, the network did push TNA as one of the three shows which led to a record setting May month.


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