wwe money in the bank

WWE Money In The Bank Results (6/14) – New Tag Champs, Cena/Owens II, Ambrose vs Rollins!

Intercontinental Championship

Big Show vs Ryback (c) 

Ryback hits a quick spinebuster and connects with a Meathook, then Show punches him and Ryback clotheslines him outside. Ryback attacks Miz at commentary, throwing him over the table, and Show turns and tackles Ryback. Show taunts him and hits him a few times, then Ryback rolls through and puts him in an armbar.

Show reaches the ropes so Ryback knees him in the head, then he suplexes Show and splashes him for two. Show blocks a Meathook with a chokeslam, then he goes for a knockout punch but Ryback ducks it. He hits the ropes but Show punches him and sends him through the ropes, and Show warns Miz to back off. Miz waits for Show to roll Ryback in, then he hits him with a mic a few times and causes a disqualification. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Big Show 

Well, that was disappointing, to say the least. This started off as a really good match, too.