WWE Smackdown Results (6/18) – Kane/Sheamus vs Ambrose/Reigns, Rollins Says He’s Confident He’ll Beat Brock, Owens vs Cesaro!

Xavier Woods vs The New Day

Woods repeatedly stomps Neville and splashes him for two, then Neville comes back with a somersault dive to the floor. Neville attacks as the Prime Time Players run out to even things up, but Woods crotches Neville on the ropes. Kofi and E fight with Titus and Young on the floor, and Neville uses the distraction to hit Red Arrow for the win. 

Winner – Neville 

Seth Rollins comes out and says they don’t understand what it’s like to be him, and he is constantly scrutinized. He says he was shocked to see Brock Lesnar Monday, because it’s the last person he thought The Authority would recruit. Rollins says his shock turned to understanding, and he knows beating Lesnar will cement his legacy as WWE Champion. He says Lesnar didn’t touch him because he remembers Wrestlemania, and he knows he [Rollins] would have knocked him out and ruin Lesnar’s reputation. Rollins says he’s a diamond that will shine bright at Battleground, and he can’t wait for the match. 


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