WWE Smackdown Results (6/18) – Kane/Sheamus vs Ambrose/Reigns, Rollins Says He’s Confident He’ll Beat Brock, Owens vs Cesaro!

Cesaro vs Kevin Owens 

Cesaro hits Owens a few times and tackles him on the floor, then connects with a rolling uppercut and throws him inside. Owens blocks a suplex on the apron and hits a forearm shot, but Cesaro comes back with a clothesline. Owens whips Cesaro into the ringpost as we go to a break, then we get back to see Cesaro slam Owens down. Owens comes back with some strikes and a cannonball in the corner, then he heads up top but Cesaro knocks him of the ropes. Cesaro tries to slam him down, but Owens shoves him into the ropes and hits a pop-up powerbomb for the win. 

Winner – Kevin Owens 

Miz presents “Miz at the Movies” and promotes the new WWE Studios film Vendetta, while he rips on Big Show. He talks about how he could’ve been in the movie, and it’s good despite Big Show being in it. He says the Intercontinental Championship will look good on him and goes on a rant about being a headliner, and says goodnight.