Filmmaker Shoots Wrestling Match Like a Fight Scene From a Movie; Check Out Test Footage Feat. ROH Star & 3-Time TNA Champion

Filmmaker Adam Gacka – director of Hulk Hogan and Chris Sader documentary Sadermania – has sent along test footage for his upcoming project, Weekend Warriors. The footage showcases a pro wrestling match between from start to finish, but filmed in a cinematic style to mimic that of a Hollywood fight scene. 

In the footage, featured belong, Ring of Honor’s ‘Last Real Man’ Silas Young locks up with former ROH world champion and three-time TNA tag team champion Davey Richards. 

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Weekend Warriors is a scripted weekly web series that aims to reinvent professional wrestling by infusing it with a realistic backdrop that makes characters more relatable and ridiculous at the same time.

Monday – Friday, our characters struggle to deal with the challenges that come with everyday life. Once the weekend hits, they release their frustrations out on one another.

Each episode will feature two characters and revolve around an altercation that happened between them during the week. 

Why is this unique? Well, our goal is to use a cinematic visual style that makes the action more believable, intense, and engaging. Essentially we’re taking a wrestling match and shooting it like a fight scene in a movie. Each episode will be self contained, include how the feud started, what the characters are doing to prepare, and ultimately the fight itself.