Why Chris Jericho Flew to NYC Last Night, New Dean Ambrose Mode Added to WWE Immortals, Is ‘Suplex City’ the Most Dangerous City in America?

Most Dangerous City in America

WWE.com has a new poll up asking fans which city is the most “dangerous” city in America. The choices are Detroit (13%), St. Louis (3%), Oakland (2%), Memphis (1%), Cleveland (1%) and… Suplex City (80%). 

Jericho Promoting Tough Enough in NY

Chris Jericho flew out to New York late last night after filming the live portion of WWE Tough Enough for the USA Network. He posted a photo of himself on Instagram in front of the WWE corporate jet, thanking “Uncle Vince” for the ride. Y2J is doing ten hours of media rounds today for the NBCUniversal Summer Press Tour, promoting Tough Enough for the company. 


Killing it on the red carpet at the #NBCUSummerPressDay! 10 hours of press? Bring it on baby! #TimeToMakeTheDonuts #ToughEnough

A photo posted by Chris Jericho (@chrisjerichofozzy) on

Take the Dean Ambrose Challenge

The ‘Dean Ambrose Challenge’ is now available in the WWE Immortals mobile game, which can be downloaded via iTunes and GooglePlay.