TNA Slammiversary Results: King of the Mountain Champion Crowned, Magnus & Storm Go To War; Jeff Jarrett’s Last Ride?

TNA Slammiversary Live Coverage

TNA Slammiversary Results
Report by Mike Killam for

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-Josh Matthews is leading commentary tonight alongside Mike Tenay and The Pope. 

X-Division Championship Match

Lost of fast-paced high flying stuff early on. Manik and Ion play the unlikely allies for a few minutes until that inevitably breaks down. Tigre does a built up plancha spot to the floor to take both out, and DJZ takes a hard bump to the chest. They slow things down (as “slow” as the X-Division gets) with 1-on-1 exchanges with the third selling on the floor. Eventually they build into a sequence of big spots, lots of knees and a few great transitions; way too much to keep track of. Ion with 360 senton to the floor, and he spends some time with the fans at ringside. They all set up a Tower of Doom spot in the corner with Manik taking the least damage, so he bridges Tigre for a nearfall. Tons of nearfall spots heading in the end, with every guy hitting two or three signature moves. Manik looks to have it won with a gutbuster and the frog splash, but Tigre kicks out again. The champ ends up pinning Manik with a corkscrew legdrop. 

Winner: Tigre Uno (still champion)


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