WWE RAW Results (6/29) – Ziggler/Lana ‘Go Public’, Cena vs Cesaro, Authority Stands Tall!

Ryback vs The Miz 

Miz tries running but Ryback chases him down and slams him into the turnbuckles, then he hits a looooong delayed suplex for two. Miz takes a few shots at him before hitting a neckbreaker for two, then Ryback fights back and calls for a Meathook and Shell Shocked. Miz sneaks away and rolls outside, then runs away and gets counted out. 

Winner (via countout) – Ryback

Paige vs Alicia Fox (w/ The Bellas)

Alicia slaps Paige and elbows her a few times, then she attacks her in the corner before Paige makes a comeback. Paige clotheslines and elbows her a few times, then she gets a rollup after The Bellas try to interfere and gets the win. 

Winner – Paige

At least this is getting back to where it should be; Paige being absent due to Tough Enough commitments really hurt this angle. The match wasn’t great, not terrible either, but it’s more about the Paige on her own story.