WWE ‘Beast in the East’ Results: Brock Lesnar Returns to Japan, Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor NXT Title Match, Cena, Ziggler, Chris Jericho & More

Live report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

Coverage for this event begins promptly at 5:30am ET. You can join the discussion in the comments section below, use #Wrestlezone to join the discussion on social media, and share our live coverage page on Twitter using the following button! 

-Michael Cole and Byron Saxton welcome us to the legendary Ryogoku Sumo Hall in Japan. 


Neville leads early with the speed advantage, but Jericho catches him in a submission hold. That’s the theme of the match for the first few minutes – Neville does something flashy, and Jericho puts him in a hold or tosses him over the ropes and keeps control. The crowd is split between being your usual respectful Japanese wrestling crowd, applauding each sequence, but this is still a WWE crowd and a few dueling chants break out. Y2J slows things down to work a headlock – and few get as much out of a headlock than he does – maintaining control. Neville gets in a few shots but is caught with an ax handle off the top. They battle up on the ropes over a superplex spot, and it’s Neville who wins the trade, but he misses the Red Arrow. He rushes into a pop-up Walls of Jericho transition, teases a tap-out, but eventually gets to the ropes. Jericho takes a breather and Neville finally uses his opening to hit a corkscrew plancha over the ropes to take him down. We get a “this is awesome” chant from a Japanese wrestling crowd. It’s Red Arrow time again – he’ll settle for a springboard missile dropkick, and a standing Shooting Star Press out of nowhere for two-and-a-half. Another great trade sees Y2J holds onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick, then immediately hitting the Lionsault on his downed opponent. Neville off the springboard gets caught out of the air with a Codebreaker! 1…2…kickout! Jericho with a big German suplex, but Neville with a superkick. Another superkick. He climbs the ropes and looks for the Red Arrow a third time; Jericho counters with knees and locks in the Liontamer for the submission. Incredible. 

Winner: Chris Jericho


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