Lita Accompanies Chelsea to the Doctor, News on Mick Foley Christmas DVD Releasing Later This Year, WWE Stars Host Rally

Lita Accompanies Chelsea to the Doctor

As noted, WWE Tough Enough contestant Chelsea had to visit the doctors to have an injury looked at. The following photos have been released, featuring coach Lita accompanying Chelsea:

Mick Foley Christmas DVD

Mick and Noelle Foley recently filmed segments together at Santa’s Village in New Hampshire for a “WWE Christmas Special” DVD that will be out this year. reports that the working title for the DVD is “Ring In The Holiday.” The release is expected in November.

WWE Stars Host Rally

Stephanie McMahon, Renee Young, Big E., Xavier Woods and Natalya hosted an anti-bullying rally at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Stamford, Connecticut this week. Below are some photos.


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