The Miz Teases WWE Battleground Match, Uhaa Nation Impresses at NXT Live Event, Sylvester Lefort Gets a New NXT “Client”

The Miz Teases WWE Battleground Match

Although WWE has announced the Triple Threat IC Title match will not take place at WWE Battleground tomorrow since Ryback is injured, it’s possible The Miz vs Big Show will take place instead.

During tonight’s WWE live event in Peoria, The Miz teased the possibility of the singles match at the PPV when he hosted a special MizTV segment during the show:

Tonight’s WWE NXT Live Event Notes

According to several live reports, Uhaa Nation impressed during his match tonight against Mike Rallis at the WWE NXT live event in Venice, FL. Nation won the bout with a standing moonsault, which was met with a big pop from the live crowd.

Also during tonight’s WWE NXT live event, Solomon Crowe came out to cut a promo however he was interrupted by Sylvester Lefort. Lefort was accompanied by his “new client”, Sawyer Fulton, who beatdown Solomon Crowe to end the segment. Crowe would end up facing Fulton later in the night in a singles match, and Crowe got the win.