WWE Live Event Results (7/24): John Cena vs Kevin Owens for the US Title, Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton vs Sheamus and More

Source: PWTorch.com

WWE Live results
July 24, 2015
Bakersfield, Calif.
Report by Ross I., PWTorch correspondent

This was a nice-sized crowd to kick off the Summerslam Heatwave Tour. Lilian Garcia started with the National Anthem.

(1) WWE tag champions Prime Time Players (Titus O’Neil & Darren Young) beat New Day (Big E. & Xavier Woods) to retain the Tag Team Titles. Fun opener with New Day drawing some heat. Titus hit Clash of the Titus on Xavier for the pin.

(2) The Miz beat Fandango. Short match with Miz winning after a thumb to the eye and a Skull Crushing Finale. After the match, Miz grabbed a mic and ran down Ryback, Big Show, and Bakersfield. The Bakersfield Condor (local hockey mascot) came out, and then brought out Big Show. Show walked to the ring, KO Punched Miz, and left with the Condor.

(3) Damien Sandow & Curtis Axel beat Adam Rose & Brad Maddox. Maddox called he and Rose the “Handsome Men Fitness Express.” He seems to be doing a Simon Dean-esque fitness gimmick. Nice reception for Sandow, who hit Rose with a Full Nelson Slam to get the win.

From Josh Cramer: Sandow and Axel were in regular ring gear after dropping the “Macho Mandow” and “AxelMania” routine due to WWE severing ties with Hulk Hogan earlier in the day. [ Photo HERE ]

(4) Luke Harper beat Jimmy Uso. Decent match with Harper blocking an Uso Splash with his knees and hitting the discus clothesline for the pin.

(5) Randy Orton beat Sheamus. Big pop for Orton and good heat for Sheamus. Great back and forth match with Orton hitting an RKO for the victory.

Orton greeted fans while Lilian Garcia announced a short intermission.

(6) Divas champion Nikki Bella & Alicia Fox beat B.A.D. (Naomi & Sasha Banks w/Tamina). Huge pop for Nikki. Bakersfield loves the Bellas. Brie was noticeably absent. Sasha Banks didn’t really get to do a whole lot during the match and Nikki pinned Naomi following the Rack Attack. Big pop for the win.

(7) Cesaro beat Kofi Kingston via submission. Big E. and Xavier accompanied Kofi to the ring. Lots of outside interference by New Day. The ref eventually ejected Big E. and Xavier, and Cesaro locked Kofi in the Sharpshooter for the submission win.

(8) U.S. champion John Cena beat Kevin Owens in a Street Fight to retain the U.S. Title. Pop of the night for Cena. Owens had plenty of supporters as well. Great brawl with lots of weapons throughout. At one point, Owens grabbed a mic and talked trash. He found a kid in the front row with a KO shirt, and got the kid to say he was sick of Cena. That was funny. Of course he polled a kid with a Cena shirt who said the opposite. Cena ended the match with an AA through a table.

Overall, a pretty enjoyable show, my first since Undertaker’s return to Raw in 2011.


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