WWE RAW Results (7/27) – Owens vs Orton, The ‘Revolution’ Continues, Cena vs Rollins!

Lucha Dragons vs Los Matadores 

Diego hits a dropkick before Cara gets a near fall attempt, then Cara comes back with a backbreaker before Kalisto assists with a rolling senton. Kalisto hits a hurricanrana before Fernando catches him with a kneelift, then he throws a few chops and whips Cara at the ropes. Cara goes for a leapfrog but he gets knocked on the floor, then Diego rolls him back in and applies a side headlock.

Fernando dropkicks Cara and gets a two count, then Cara comes back with some kicks and makes the tag. Kalisto hits a springboard splash and a rolling kick, then follows it up with torando DDT and a back handspring elbow. The New Day interrupts the match and runs around ringside, then Kalisto uses the distraction and wins with a rollup from behind. 

Winners – Lucha Dragons 

Bray Wyatt comes out and talks about the fans not being loved by their families, and he says the truth is very shocking. He says the truth is out there right in front of them, and the sooner they embrace it they can be set free. Bray says freedom comes at a price, then Luke Harper talks about Bray showing him the truth after finding him. Harper says they shunned him and created him, but Bray saved him and showed him the right path. Bray says if Dean Ambrose care about Roman Reigns, he would warn him of the evil waiting for him, but he tells Roman ‘they’re here.’