Another Detailed Live Report from WWE in Melbourne; Ambrose vs Rollins Steel Cage, Balor vs Neville, HBK, Barrett vs Orton and More

Quick add for Tough Enough leads into……


All hail the unofficial King of Melbourne….

MEGA HEAT FOR BARRETT as he brings up the English smacking the Aussies in Cricket…. This brings up a “YOU ARE A WANKER”‘which he responds with “I CAN’T BE A WANKER, I’M NOT FROM AUSTRALIA!!!” I really hope security can get Wade out of the building!!!

It was one of the best heel promo’s I’ve ever heard here in Australia…

This leads to a big POP for Randy Orton.

King Barrett V Randy Orton

Great back and forth action, Orton really over, thanks to Wades work.

Limb stomp followed by a hard whip to the corner gets a 2 count. Orton with the 10 punch in the corner gets stopped at 8 by a reverse atomic drop, he counters with a clothesline to the outside. Randy is all over Wade and is actually high fiving the the crowd between punches.

Barrett reverses a whip and gets the other hand, Wade ties Orton in the ropes and delivers a big boot that takes his opponent to the outside.

Orton back in the ring runs into another big boot, where Wade mocks The RKO pose, which lead to weak roll up.

Orton with a Superplex for 2.

The hangman DDT into an RK… No, counter by Wade into a fallaway slam for 2…. Wade sets up the Bull hammer into another RKO attempt, to a push off into an RKO for the Win.

Solid Match where credit has to go to King Bad News! He could had gotten Barry Horowitz over with his promo and in ring work tonight.

Jojo shelling out the overpriced merchandise which leads us into intermission.

We are Back and Bo Dallas is giving us a motivational Speech which takes the crowd back to 1999 with the WHAT chants…

Out comes HBK, poor Bo with his chronic short term memory as he runs down Shawn which leads to the same Super Kick he received last night in Brisbane. Shawn lets us know it’s Diva Time and that leads to….. An Add for Total Divas!

Huge Pop / Heat for the Bellas!

Equal pop for Nattie

POP of the night for Home Grown Emma!!! WWE logic to make the crowd forget she is currently a heel on NXT by having her dress in the Aussie Flag.

Emma takes the hat thrown by Nikki and gives us her best Bella Booty Shake to the approval of every Red blooded Aussie male in the crowd.

Excellent match, lots of back and forth action. It even had the guy next to me stop watching his phone and pay attention to the Ahem, athleticism of the girls.

Emma with the Win via a roll up.

Kevin Owens V Cesaro

Two powerhouses go at it and after a barrage of chops from Cesaro and in classic heel fashion Owens walks out of the match…. Only for Cesaro to drag him back in. Back and forth… Senton Splash by Owens for Two…. The strength of Cesaro is unbelievable as he dead lifts Owens.

Giant Swing followed by the neutraliser for the Win for the Swiss Superman!

Main Event time the Cage comes Down to its theme and am add for the WWE Network only $9.99 (or $13.75 Australian thanks to the drop in the currency)


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