Next Big WWE Debut, A No-No In Lesnar/Taker Promotion, Explaining The Tough Enough Audience Thought Process & More

Every Monday and Friday I have a new column for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Today’s has some quick thoughts on several topics. The following is an excerpt:

The reality as I see it with some topics in professional wrestling:


SummerSlam is being headlined by the rematch of Brock Lesnar against The Undertaker, the first match these two have had since Lesnar broke the undefeated streak of The Undertaker at WrestleMania in April 2014.

It’s a highly anticipated match. It’s been built well this past month. But no match, none, should ever be billed as too big for WrestleMania. I don’t care if it’s an arm wrestling contest, no contest is too big for WrestleMania. That’s the biggest show WWE produces. It has built a great reputation. Don’t slap the reputation in the face for cheap hype of your August show and a few WWE Network subscribers.


Enzo Amore and Big Cass have become a huge hit in NXT. They’re a modern version of the New Age Outlaws with better size, more marketable look and a flair of Jersey Shore. That’s not saying they will have a better career than the legendary New Age Outlaws, but Enzo and Big Cass have a lot going for them. I can’t forget their manager in Carmella, another element the Outlaws never had.

Their verbal routine is great, and unlike other personas we’ve seen go from NXT to the WWE main roster, this one will translate and find success, if presented correctly.

SummerSlam in Brooklyn fits the bill of Enzo, Big Cass and Carmella debuting.

The current tag team division on the main roster is a giant carousel of chaos. It’s not bad. But there are the champions in the Prime Time Players who are doing well as babyfaces, and then the chaos of rotating challengers exchanging wins and losses. It’s a perfect time for a fresh team to come in.

Enzo and Big Cass trying to be cooler and proving they have more street credibility than the Prime Time Players could be good babyface comedy and conflict. The two teams can do battle but still have a common dislike for a team like The New Day.

That could make for some of the most exciting tag team division content in 15 years — “and you can’t teach that. Bada bing, bada boom, smartest columnist in the room.”


The former WWE wrestler-turned-UFC fighter in training will set whatever record there is to set for a fighters first fight.

A week doesn’t go by that Punk isn’t engaged in a back and forth with someone. Fans on Twitter, fans at public Q&A’s, or most recently, other UFC fighters on Twitter.

He’s a lightning rod for attention being on the top of his game, leaving WWE loudly and trying to make it in UFC. He’s also easy to dislike, and he embraces it.

Punk isn’t my cup of tea, but I can’t hate too much because I’ll be one of the many who tunes in for his debut, whenever that is.

The thinking process of Tough Enough audience, Lana being dealt a bad hand, WWE’s friends in high places & Chyna’s craziness all addressed in the rest of the column. CLICK HERE to read.


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