WWE Raw Results (8/17): Brock Lesnar and Undertaker Face-to-Face, Reigns vs. Harper, Divas Main Event!

We return from commercial to an Undertaker promo on Brock Lesnar for Summerslam.  He says, “The gates of Hell are opening and welcoming you to your eternal damnation.”

Backstage, Seth Rollins is confirming the details for the Title vs. Title contract for he and Cena to sign later tonight.  Triple H and Stephanie laughingly accept a subtle proposal by Seth to have a statue of his likeness made to stand among the other WWE Legends “when” he brings home two championships from Summerslam.  Roman Reigns’ music kicks up and we see him coming through the crowd per usual.

Roman Reigns vs. Luke Harper

Both men bring their ‘family member’ down for back-up.  Dean Ambrose is on commentary while Bray Wyatt steals Byron Saxton’s chair for the third week straight (however, Dean gives it to him this time…telling him to stay in it this time as opposed to getting involved in the match like he did this past Thursday on Smackdown.)  Luke Harper gets the better of Roman in the opening exchange while Dean accurately compares the Wyatt vs. Shield feud to the Hatfields vs. McCoys.  Roman fights back and is able to clothesline Harper over the top rope and hit his Apron Dropkick to the face.  Luke Harper regains control and rocks Reigns with a Michinoku Driver for the first two-count of the match.  Reigns fights his way up, but gets clocked by Harper’s patented Big Boot for another two-count.  Harper proceeds to do his Gator Roll and put in a fourth Rear Chinlock.

Reigns struggles up and hits three clotheslines followed by a Tazplex.  Roman then hits Harper with several clotheslines in the corner (similar to Delirious and his Never-Ending Story.)  They both spill outside from the apron and both seem to be spent.  Back in the ring, Harper hits a Superkick to the gut, but Reigns is able to float over Luke for a Sunset Flip and eventually toss Luke to the outside.  Another clothesline by Reigns earns another two-count for Reigns.  Roman hoists Luke on his shoulders, and gets hit with a Samoan Drop while Luke tries furiously to elbow out of it.  Roman sets up for the Superman Punch, but Luke rolls out of the ring only to hit a Superkick on the curious Roman who follows him outside.  Harper gets rocked by the Superman Punch as Luke Harper goes for the dive.  Another Superkick leads to a Sitdown Powerbomb by Luke on Roman for a close two-count.  Reigns is able to get to his feet and hit another Superman Punch and Spear for the winning three-count!