wwe summerslam
Graphics / Type Treatment By Bill Pritchard

WWE Summerslam Results (8/23) – New Champions Crowned, Rollins vs Cena, Taker vs Lesnar!

Intercontinental Championship
Big Show vs The Miz vs Ryback (c) 

Miz rolls outside and Show goes right after Ryback in the corner, and Show drops Ryback with a punch. Show stomps him on the ropes and Miz takes a cheap shot from the floor, then Show pulls Ryback back in. Miz assists with a suplex attempt, then Show stomps Ryback and knocks Miz out of the way before heading up top. Show connects with a rolling senton for two, then he splashes both opponents before Ryback chop blocks him. Miz tries to get back in but Ryback catches him off the turnbuckles and slams him, then Ryback heads up top and hits a big splash.

Show gets back in and chokeslams Ryback onto Miz and gets a pin attempt, then Ryback hits Show with Shell Shocked and Miz runs in to hit Skull Crushing Finale! Miz gets a two count on both men, and Miz gets several attempts before getting mad, and he tries to beg an angry Ryback off. Show ends up catching Ryback with a KO punch but Miz breaks that pin up, then Miz counters a chokeslam but runs in to a KO punch himself. Ryback clotheslines Show over the ropes, then turns and covers Miz to retain.

Winner – Ryback

This actually was a pretty good match considering I had zero interest going into it. They played up the triple threat element well, and worked with each guy’s strength.  


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