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WWE NXT Results (8/26)- Fit Bull Dempsey Debuts, NXT Womens Fatal Four Way!


Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Emma vs Dana Brooke

Charlotte squares off with Dana Brooke as Lynch and Emma square off. Emma and Brooke bump into each other and Charlotte and Lynch send them to the outside of the ring. Charlotte and Lynch go face to face. After a short feeling out period, Lynch drags Charlotte down into a hammerlock. Charlotte fights out of it and locks in the rolling figure four leg/headlock. Brooke and Emma run back into the ring and beat the heck out of Charlotte and Lynch. The heels toss both Charlotte and Lynch to the outside. Emma and Brooke send Charlotte into the barricade.

After a short break, Emma and Brooke are working over Lynch in the ring. Stiff kicks and punches send Lynch reeling. Charlotte tries to get back in the ring, but both Brooke and Emma kick Charlotte off the apron. Double suplex by the heel to Lynch. Emma hits a under hook suplex and tries to pin Lynch, but Brooke breaks up the pin. This was bound to happen. Emma gets in Brooks face. All hell is about to break loose.

Lynch runs in and rolls up Emma, but Brooke breaks up the pin. Brooke tells Emma that she saved her and they need to get on the same page. They shake hands, but Brooke enzguri’s Emma. Charlotte gets in the ring, hit a neck breaker on Emma then a double ddt on Brooke and Emma. They both kick out. Charlotte stands up and Lynch hits a diving drop kick off the top rope. Then a t-bone suplex on Brooke. Emma breaks up the pin, and then hits the Emma-Mite Sandwich on both Lynch and Charlotte. Emma pins Lynch for the win.

Winner- Emma

After the match, Charlotte spears Emma and then hits Natural Selection on Emma. She pins Emma and the crowd counts the three count. Charlotte’s music hit then Brooke runs into the ring and gets suplex by Lynch. Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight to Brooke and Lynch locks in the Disarm-her on Emma to close the show.


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