Update On Highspots Young Bucks Documentary DVD Format, Clotheslined Apparel Line Launches Featuring Several Wrestling Stars

Young Bucks 2Young Bucks Documentary

Highspots issued the following statement, after they said a number of people were asking about the status of the new Young Bucks documentary project: 

Getting several emails about whether or not the Bucks Doc will be available digitally. The answer is yes, but it will be exclusive to our  DIYwrestling.comsite that features several independent DIYers!


One Hour Tees has issued the following, announcing the live launch of their new Clotheslined apparel line. Clotheslined is a new high-end clothing line featuring partnerships with several professional wrestling stars including CM Punk, The Young Bucks, Ethan Carter III, Kevin Steen, AJ Styles, The Briscoes, and many others: 

The team over at Pro Wrestling Tees are proud to announce the launch of their new high end wrestling t-shirt line, Clotheslined Apparel (http://www.clotheslined.com/clotheslined-apparel). Partnered with some of the best wrestlers in the industry, they have created a fashionable line of clothing that you could wear even outside of a wrestling show. All of the apparel is made on vintage extremely soft poly-blend and tri-blend material. All wrestlers on the website receive the profits from these shirts. The models you see, are not hired. They are wrestling fans and employees at their store in Chicago, One Hour Tees. They have partnered with designer Dave Bogart to bring you these top of the line shirts. Visit http://www.Clotheslined.com.

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